but, i do accept what had i done...
The matter here now is,
I go back home without permission...
I have nothing to say because this is the fact indeed,
i do not get the permission from boss and back illegally.
Question, y do other uni or colleges can back as they wish after finish their credit hour?
answer is, because we take their allowance.
Yeah, they said in these 2 or 3 weeks they will check.
Check our attendance...
SO, i think i dont have the reason to make same mistake twice??
ITS contract, need payment if u break it...
Feel SORRY to my group's members
because i thought it is ok if go back home after finish our credit hour =)
thousand apologize for group pemulihan because i think...
I had made our group's reputation drop??
=) by the way, it do happened and we do learned...
It is suppose to be a very good lesson to us...
Yeah~ dont fight with each other my dear friends...
just BLAME ON ME?? =))) SORRY!!!